Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hammer Hammer, Bang Bang--Etsy Shop Now Open for Business

I did something this week I'd been plotting for quite a while--opened my very own Etsy shop.  It has a crude shop banner I made in PowerPoint, and a total of 10 listings that took me almost two full days to create.  In a word, it's rough.  I'm hoping that once the dust settles, it will grow into something lovely and rewarding, but I recognize that time is still a ways off yet.

Here it is, if you want to take a peek:

To give you an idea of what I eventually am shooting for, here is the storefront of a friend of mine whom I admire to no end:

I view this blog and my Etsy shop in very much the same way.  Right now they're both labors of love, for an audience of one: me.  But they're out there in the cyberuniverse for others to happen upon when the time is right. 

Though I intend to sell primarily jewelry holders through hukd, I've added a few of my stray knit scarves to the listings to flesh out my initial offerings.  A couple that I've already mentioned in this blog, in fact.  I'm definitely a process knitter rather than a project knitter, and so I like trying out lots of different patterns just to explore, whether or not I need the item itself.  I normally try to curtail this impulse, as I'm not a cowl person and never will be.  But they look like such fun to knit...

And now I'm slowly starting to realize that Etsy may be the death of me, because it will give me purpose to knit things that I have no intention of using myself, or even gifting to anyone else.  This might be revolutionary.  And it might speed up my already destined arthritis.

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